First Option Mortgage

Denver Mortgage Refinancing 

Denver Mortgage Refinancing
Lowering the rate

The Denver mortgage interest rate that you’ve been paying may be higher than what’s available on the current Denver market, so it may make sense to refinance to a new low rate. If you’ve recently improved your Denver credit score and financial situation, Denver mortgage refinancing may be the right move because you’ll be able to snare a better rate. It will reduce your monthly payment, and could lower your total Denver interest costs.

Building Denver equity more quickly

In certain scenarios, a higher monthly Denver mortgage payment can have financial benefits. The higher payment allows you to build Denver equity and reduce debt faster. The combination of higher Denver equity and lower debt adds stability to your overall financial picture. You can achieve this goal by restructuring your Denver home loan into a shorter maturity. The traditional choice is a 15 year Denver mortgage, because they have slightly lower interest rates than 30 year Denver loans. Your monthly payment would still be higher because you’d be paying the debt off over a shorter period of time, but your total Denver interest costs would be substantially lower.

Raising cash

Cash out mortgage refinancing Denver is a viable option when you need money to purchase a long-term asset. Examples are Denver home renovations, a college degree, and real estate property. Cash out mortgage refinancing Denver doesn’t make sense for vacations, clothes, and cars.

Lowering your risk

Mortgage refinancing to a Denver fixed rate mortgage can reduce risk if you currently have a Denver balloon payment loan or Denver adjustable rate mortgage (ARM). Today’s low inflation level may make your Denver ARM seem pretty attractive, but there’s no telling what could happen in a few years. Denver Balloon payments are scary because you can’t predict what the Denver lending environment will be like when your big payment comes due.

Consolidating Denver debt

If you have two Denver mortgages, consider consolidating them into one with Denver mortgage refinancing. Your goal is to have an overall lower Denver interest rate and payment, assuming that you have at least 20 percent equity in your Denver home.

Denver mortgage refinancing is a good way to build equity faster, finance a long-term asset, and to lower your rate, your overall interest costs, or your risk. These could all be considered “right” reasons. However, which one is the right reason for you and what is the best way to do it? Call one of our Denver mortgage refinancing specialists in order to pinpoint where you should be heading next!

First Option Mortgage
First Option Lending
Mortgage Refinancing at First Option Mortgage
Mortgage Refinancing at First Option Lending